Command | Parameters | Description |
applicationStart | String appPackageName : the application package name. | Starts an application from its package name.
Compatibility: universal |
applicationToForeground | String appPackageName : the application package name. | Sets an already launched application to foreground from its package name.
Compatibility: universal |
applicationKill | String appPackageName : the application package name. | Forces an application to stop from its package name.
Compatibility: universal |
applicationClearData | String packageName : the package name. | Clears the cache of an application from its package name.
Compatibility: universal |
installApp | String packageName : the application package name. | Installs the application from its package name.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
uninstallApp | String packageName : the application package name. | Uninstalls the application from its package name.
Compatibility: universal |
applicationCloseAll | Clears every recent application.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
assertNotExistsText | String selector : the selector, here the text or content-desc. This is case sensitive. | Check if the element which text or content-desc contains the text selector doesn't exist.
Compatibility: universal |
assertNotExistsTextExact | String selector : the selector, here the exact text or content-desc. This is case sensitive. | Check if the element which text or content-desc is the exact given selector doesn't exist.
Compatibility: universal |
assertNotExistsId | String selector : the selector, here the id. | Check if the element with the id selector doesn't exist.
Compatibility: universal |
assertNotExistsClass | String selector : the selector, here the class. | Check if the element with the class selector doesn't exist.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
authInitManualJSONFileOTP | String urlToJSONFile : public URL to a json file. | Init authentication to retrieve an OTP with manual actions. The command checks that the url point to a json file in the correct format {"value"=""}, the value must be an empty string. When your application or site uses OTP authentication, you can manually use a public JSON file to communicate the OTP code to GDSL. You need to save a public JSON file on the Internet (Google Drive or other systems) before launching your GDSL test. See the following waitAndStoreOTP command to continue with OTP in your GDSL.
Compatibility: universal |
authInitMailsacOTP | String email : mailsac email String apiKey : API key to use mailsac api | Init mailsac to prepare to receive an OTP by email. This command use mailsac email and api key to clear message in your inbox. After calling this command, you can log in on your app or website with the mailsac email. See the following authWaitAndStoreData command to continue your GDSL.
Compatibility: universal |
authInitMailsacMagicLink | String email : mailsac email String apiKey : API key to use mailsac api | Init mailsac to prepare to receive a magic link by email. This command use mailsac email and api key to clear message in your inbox. After calling this command, you can log in on your app or website with the mailsac email. See the following authWaitAndStoreData command to continue your GDSL.
Compatibility: universal |
authWaitAndStoreData | Waits for the auth data (OTP or Magic Link) to become available and store it in memory.
(The command tries to get the auth data during a maximum of 10 minutes. If you use manual authentication, when you have received an OTP code (sms, mail, authenticator), you have 10 minutes to set the code in the field value of the json file that you previously set with the 'authInitManualOTP' command. See the 'authEnterStoredData' command to continue with print the auth data in your GDSL.
Compatibility: universal |
authEnterStoredData | Enters the stored auth data in the current selected field by clicking on the keyboard keys for each character. The auth data has been previously stored in memory by 'authWaitAndStoreData' command.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
setBrowser | String browserName : the name of the browser (ie chrome or firefox). | Sets the browser to use.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
launchBrowser | Launches the current set browser. If not set, launches default browser Chrome.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserClearCache | Clears the cache of the current set browser.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserNewTab | Opens a new tab on the current set browser.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserGoToUrl | String url : the url to browse. | Browses the given url on the current set browser.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserCloseAllTabs | Closes every opened tabs on the current set browser.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserReset | Browser reset clear cache and user data and prepare the browser for the test.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
waitUntilPageLoaded | long timeout : the timeout for the wait. | Waits until the current web page is loaded.
Compatibility: universal |
browserPrepareAndOpen | Prepare browser for measurement:
(clear cache, close all tabs, close browser and reopen it
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserCloseAllTabsAndOpen | Close all browser tabs and open a new tab.
(Browser will be closed during process
Compatibility: coming soon... |
browserPrepareAndOpenForReference | boolean useBlankPage : if true take the reference on about:blank page (the old way) instead of on a black page (the default). (optional) | Prepare browser for measurement. Clear cache, close all tabs, close browser and reopen it, go to a black page and wait 60s
Compatibility: coming soon... |
changeDefaultSearchEngine | String name : the name of the new search engine | Change browser default search engine
(Not supported on Firefox
Compatibility: coming soon... |
enableDisplaySiteAsDesktop | Enable display site as desktop. The browser need to be already opened.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableDisplaySiteAsDesktop | Disable display site as desktop. The browser need to be already opened.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
longClickById | String selector : the id of the element to click on. int duration : the click duration in milliseconds (1000 ms by default). (optional) | Performs a long click for the given duration on the element which contains the given id selector.
Compatibility: universal |
longClickByText | String selector : the text of the element to click on. This is case insensitive. int duration : the click duration in milliseconds (1000 ms by default). (optional) | Performs a long click for the given duration on the element which contains the given text selector.
Compatibility: universal |
longClickByXY | int x : the x coordinate of the element to click on. int y : the y coordinate of the element to click on. int duration : the click duration in milliseconds (1000 ms by default). (optional) | Performs a long click of the given duration on the given coordinate.
Compatibility: universal |
clickByText | String selector : the text of the element to click on. This is case insensitive. | Clicks on the element which contains the given text selector.
Compatibility: universal |
clickByTextExact | String selector : the exact text of the element to click on. This is case sensitive. | Clicks on the element which contains the exact given text selector.
Compatibility: universal |
clickByClass | String selector : the class name. | Clicks on the element with the given class selector.
Compatibility: universal |
clickByXY | int x : the abscissa coordinates. int y : the ordinate coordinates. | Clicks on the element located at the given coordinates.
Compatibility: universal |
clickByPercent | int xPercentage : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen. int yPercentage : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen. | Clicks on the element located at the coordinates calculated from the given percentages of the device screen.
Compatibility: universal |
clickById | String id : the identification of the element to click on. | Clicks on the element which contains the given identification.
Compatibility: universal |
clickOnLastElementFound | Clicks on the last element found by previous GDSL command in group Find like 'findByText' or 'findByTextExact'.
Compatibility: universal |
clickByTextForced | String text : the text of the element to click on. | Clicks on the element which contains the given text if exists
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
pressHome | Presses the home button.
Compatibility: universal |
pause | long timeMillis : the time in millisecond. | Waits the amount of time in millisecond passed as argument.
Compatibility: universal |
pressEnter | Presses the enter button.
Compatibility: universal |
pressPower | Presses the power button.
Compatibility: universal |
pressBack | Presses the back button.
Compatibility: universal |
pressRecentApps | Presses the recent app button.
Compatibility: universal |
pressTab | Presses the TAB key. You can navigate to the next element in the view that can get focus. Usefull to navigate on form.
Compatibility: universal |
pressMajTab | Presses the MAJ + TAB key. You can navigate to the previous element in the view that can get focus. Usefull for form.
Compatibility: universal |
setVolume | String parameter : the volume value, chosen in 'max', 'min' and 'medium' | Sets the volume of every stream of the device to the given value. The sound should not be mute or an exception 'Not allowed to change Do Not Disturb' is thrown.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
pressKeyCode | int keycode : Key code to press int metaState : an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed meta key. So you can used a combination of key like maj, ctrl, maj left, ctrl right ... (optional) | Simulates a short press using a key code. Can use optional meta State when pressing. List of keycode and meta state are here :
(For example to press h, use KEYCODE_H so you can do pressKeyCode,36. If you want to press H in majuscule, use META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON so you can do : pressKeyCode,36,64
Compatibility: universal |
openQuickSettings | Opens the quick settings.
Compatibility: universal |
enableHotspot | Enables the hotspot setting.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableHotspot | Disables the hotspot setting.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
enableSettings | String settingsName : the name of the settings, each setting name should be separated with the character '|' | Enables the first setting in the given setting name list.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableSettings | String settingsName : the name of the settings, each setting name should be separated with the character '|' | Disables the first setting in the given setting name list.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
dump | String fileName : the file name to store the dump. If set the dump will be stored in 'fileName.uix'. If not set, the dump will be stored in 'dump.uix'. (optional) | Takes a dump of the current state of the device.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
filesEmptyDownloadsFolder | Empties the downloads folder of the device
Compatibility: coming soon... |
filesOpenDownloadsFolder | Opens the file system and selects the downloads folder
Compatibility: coming soon... |
filesSelectDownloadsFolder | On a already opened file system, the command selects the downloads folder
Compatibility: coming soon... |
filesDownloadFile | String url : the url of the file to download | Downloads a file. The file will be stored in the Downloads folder of the device
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
findByText | String selector : the selector, here the text or content-desc value. This is case sensitive. int nthElement : the rank of the element. This is an integer greater or equal to 1. 1 is the first element. Default is 1. (optional) | Finds the nth element which text or content-desc contains the given selector. The element is saved as the last element found. You can then use the command 'clickOnLastElementFound' to click on it.
Compatibility: universal |
findByTextExact | String selector : the selector, here the exact text or exact content-desc value. This is case sensitive. int nthElement : the rank of the element. This is an integer greater or equal to 1. 1 is the first element. Default is 1. (optional) | Finds the nth element which text or content-desc is the exact given selector. The element is saved as the last element found. You can then use the command 'clickOnLastElementFound' to click on it.
Compatibility: universal |
findById | String selector : the selector, here the id. int nthElement : the rank of the element. This is an integer greater or equal to 1. 1 is the first element. Default is 1. (optional) | Finds the nth element with the id selector. The element is saved as the last element found. You can then use the command 'clickOnLastElementFound' to click on it.
Compatibility: universal |
findByClass | String selector : the selector, here the class. int nthElement : the rank of the element. This is an integer greater or equal to 1. 1 is the first element. Default is 1. (optional) | Finds the nth element with the class selector. The element is saved as the last element found. You can then use the command 'clickOnLastElementFound' to click on it.
Compatibility: universal |
findParentLastElementFound | Finds the parent of the last element found. The parent is saved and replaced the last element found. You can then use the command 'clickOnLastElementFound' to click on it.
Compatibility: universal |
findChildByClassLastElementFound | String selector : the class selector | Finds the first child of the last element found using the given class as selector. The parent is saved and replaced the last element found. You can then use the command 'clickOnLastElementFound' to click on it.
Compatibility: universal |
findChildByIndexLastElementFound | int index : the index of the child to find. This is an integer greater or equal to 0. 0 is the first element. The Index matches the index in the screen dump. | Find by index a child of the last element found.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
formClickOnFirstEmptyEditText | Clicks on the first empty edit text.
Compatibility: universal |
formClickOnEditText | int nthElement : the rank of the checkbox. This is an integer greater or equal to 1. 1 is the first element. Default is 1. (optional) | Clicks on the nth edit text.
Compatibility: universal |
formClickOnCheckbox | int nthElement : the rank of the checkbox. This is an integer greater or equal to 1. 1 is the first element. Default is 1. (optional) | Clicks on the nth checkbox.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
performIMEAction | Presses the blue button of the Gboard to perform the IME action highlighted (search, done, next, enter ...)
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
enableWifi | Enables the wifi on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableWifi | Disables the wifi on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
enableData | Enables the mobile data on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableData | Disables the mobile data on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
enableBluetooth | Enables the bluetooth on the device.
Compatibility: universal |
disableBluetooth | Disables the bluetooth on the device.
Compatibility: universal |
enableNFC | Enables the NFC on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableNFC | Disables the NFC on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
enableAirplaneMode | Enables airplane mode on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
disableAirplaneMode | Disables airplane mode on the device.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
switchActiveNetworkToMode | String mode : the network mode, chosen between '4G', '3G' or '2G'. | Disables the wifi, activates the data and switches to the given network mode.
(The network has to be active in less than 20s.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
switchNetworkMode | String mode : the network mode, chosen between '4G', '3G' or '2G'. | Switches the network mode to the given one.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
measureStart | String stepName : the name of the measurement step | Starts a measure which can be identified by the given name.
Compatibility: universal |
measureStop | Stops the current measure.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
setLandscapeOrientation | Sets device orientation to landscape.
Compatibility: universal |
setPortraitOrientation | Sets device orientation to portrait.
Compatibility: universal |
screenSetLuminosity | int value : the new screen brightness value. | Changes the screen brightness according to the given value.
(The new screen brightness value should be between 0 and 255. If out of bounds, the closest value in bounds is taken.
Compatibility: universal |
screenUnlock | Unlocks the screen. Works only if no unlock securities are presents.
Compatibility: universal |
screenTurnOnAndUnlock | Turns on the device and unlocks the screen if necessary.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
screenTurnOnAndUnlockAndEnterPIN | String PIN : | Turns on the device, unlocks the screen and enter PIN
Compatibility: coming soon... |
screenTurnOff | Turns off the device.
Compatibility: universal |
launchWallpaperSelector | String path : the path of the image to set as wallpaper String wallpaperManager : the wallpaper manager to select (optional) | Launch wallpaper selector
Compatibility: coming soon... |
setWallpaper | String path : the path of the image to set as wallpaper (for example /sdcard/Download/green.png) | Set the wallpaper with an image file.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
clearWallpaper | Clear the wallpaper by putting the device factory wallpaper (android version >= 28 or P)
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
takeScreenshot | String fileName : The screenshot will be saved on the file with name fileName.png. Do not precise the extension. boolean ignoreFailure : When screenshot can't be taken, if true, the test continues ignoring the error, ff false, the test stops and throws the error. (optional) | Take a screenshot
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
scrollDownwardUntilEnd | Scrolls downward until the end of the screen (with a maximum of 20 scrolls). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll to the end of the first scrollable view founded in the screen. If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' methods.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'scrollToEnd'
Compatibility: universal |
scrollUpwardUntilBeginning | Scrolls upward until the beginning of the screen (with a maximum of 20 scrolls). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll to the beginning of the first scrollable view founded in the screen. If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' methods.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'scrollToBeginning'
Compatibility: universal |
scrollLeftwardUntilEnd | Scrolls leftward until the end of the screen (with a maximum of 20 scrolls). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll to the end of the first scrollable view founded in the screen.
(If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' methods.
Compatibility: universal |
scrollRightwardUntilBeginning | Scrolls rightward until the beginning of the screen (with a maximum of 20 scrolls). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll to the beginning of the first scrollable view founded in the screen.
(If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' methods.
Compatibility: universal |
scrollDownward | Scrolls downward the screen (only one scroll). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll the first scrollable view founded in the screen. If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' commands.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'scrollDown'
Compatibility: universal |
scrollUpward | Scrolls upward the screen (only one scroll). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll the first scrollable view founded in the screen. If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' commands.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'scrollUp'.
Compatibility: universal |
scrollLeftward | Scrolls leftward the screen (only one scroll). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll the first scrollable view founded in the screen. If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' commands.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'scrollLeft'.
Compatibility: universal |
scrollRightward | Scrolls rightward the screen (only one scroll). It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll the first scrollable view founded in the page. If it does not work try to use one of the 'swipe' commands.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'scrollRight'.
Compatibility: universal |
scrollToText | String selector : the exact text to find in the scrollable view boolean horizontally : Scrolls horizontally if true. By default this is false and the scroll is vertical. (optional) | Scrolls vertically (the default) or horizontally to find the exact text.
(It may not work as expected because the method tries to scroll the first scrollable view (from the beginning to the end) founded in the pages. Your text may be included in another view.
If it does not work try to use one of the command 'swipeDownwardToText' or 'swipeUpwardToText'.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeRightward | int percY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done. | Swipes rightward the screen. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X 90%, Y percY) to screen point B with coordinates (X 10%, Y percY). The perc or % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'swipeLeftHorizon' which did a swipe left gesture to swipe the screen rightward.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeLeftward | int percY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done. | Swipes leftward the screen. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X 10%, Y percY) to screen point B with coordinates (X 90%, Y percY). The perc or % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'swipeRightHorizon' which did a swipe right gesture to swipe the screen leftward.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeUpward | int percX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done. (optional) int percStartY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe starts. (optional) | Swipes upward the screen. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X percX, Y percStartY) to screen point B with coordinates (X percX%, Y 90%). The perc or % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'swipeDown' which did a swipe down gesture to swipe the screen upward.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeUpwardToText | String selector : the selector, here the text or content-desc value. this is case sensitive. int maxSwipe : the maximum number of swipe to do to find the text (10 by default, and maximum 30) (optional) int percX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done (50 by default) (optional) | Swipes upward to find the first element which text or content-desc contains the given selector. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X 50%, Y 10%) to screen point B with coordinates (X 50%, Y 90%). The % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeDownward | int percX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done (50 by default) (optional) int percStartY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe starts (90 by default). (optional) | Swipes downward the screen. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X percX, Y percStartY) to screen point B with coordinates (X percX, Y 10%). The perc or % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
(This command replaces the deprecated command 'swipeUp' which did a swipe up gesture to swipe the screen downward.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeDownwardToText | String selector : the selector, here the text or content-desc value. this is case insensitive. int maxSwipe : the maximum number of swipe to do to find the text (10 by default, and maximum 30) (optional) int percX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done (50 by default) (optional) | Swipes downward to find the first element which text or content-desc contains the given selector. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X 50%, Y 90%) to screen point B with coordinates (X 50%, Y 10%). The % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
Compatibility: universal |
swipeVertical | int percStartY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe begin. int percEndY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe end. int percX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done. int duration : the swipe duration in milliseconds (500 ms by default). (optional) | Swipes vertically the screen. The swipe gesture is from screen point A with coordinates (X percX, Y percStartY) to screen point B with coordinates (X percX, Y percEndY). The perc or % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
(Example to make a swipe from A (X 65%, Y 15%) to B (X 65%, Y 50%) that lasts 3 second, use: swipeVertical,15,50,65,3000
Compatibility: universal |
swipeHorizontal | int percStartX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe begin. int percEndX : the percentage of the abscissa coordinates of the device screen where the swipe end. int percY : the percentage of the ordinate coordinates of the device screen where the swipe is done. int duration : the swipe duration in milliseconds (500 ms by default). (optional) | Swipes horizontally the screen. The swipe gesture is from screen poinwhicht A with coordinates (X percStartX, Y percY) to screen point B with coordinates (X percEndX, Y percY). The perc or % is used for the percentage of the screen size.
(Example to make a swipe from A (X 20%, Y 40%) to B (X 80%, Y 40%) that lasts 3 second, use: swipeHorizontal,20,80,40,3000
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
setTextByText | String textToSet : the text to set. String textSelector : the text selector. | Pastes the given text into the element which contains the given text selector.
Compatibility: universal |
setTextByDesc | String textToSet : the text to set. String descSelector : the text selector. | Pastes the given text into the element which contains the given desc selector.
Compatibility: universal |
setTextByTextExact | String textToSet : the text to set String textSelector : the element with the exact text to fill | Pastes the given text into the element which has the given exact text selector.
Compatibility: universal |
setTextById | String textToSet : the text to set. String idSelector : the id selector. | Pastes the given text into the element which contains the given id selector.
Compatibility: universal |
enterText | String text : the text to enter int frequency : text is entered character by character at the given frequency (optional) | Enters the given text in the current selected field clicking on the keyboard keys for each character.
Compatibility: universal |
setTextLastElementFound | String textToSet : the text to set. | Pastes the given text in the last found element.
Compatibility: universal |
enterTextFast | String text : the text to tap | Tap the text specified in parameter. Enter all text at once.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
openSettingsMenuWithName | String name : the name of the menu in the device settings. The menu name may be distinct depending on the phone model or Android version, so you can try to open settings with various name using "|". For example name="Preferred network|network mode", if the "Preferred network" menu is not found, the command attempts to open the "Network mode" menu | Opens the menu described by the given name in the device settings.
Compatibility: coming soon... |
Command | Parameters | Description |
setCompressedLayoutHierarchy | boolean compressed : true to enable compression; else, false to disable | Enables or disables layout hierarchy compression. This general configuration for uiautomator can be called at any time during a GDSL test.
(If compression is enabled, the layout hierarchy derived from the Accessibility framework will only contain nodes that are important for uiautomator testing. Any unnecessary surrounding layout nodes that make viewing and searching the hierarchy inefficient are removed.
Compatibility: universal |
setWaitForIdle | boolean waitForIdle : if true, use the default uiautomator timeout. if false, do not wait for idle state. | Sets the timeout for waiting for the user interface to go into an idle state before starting a uiautomator action. This general configuration for uiautomator can be called at any time during a GDSL test.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
waitIdle | Waits for device idle. Only use in specific cases for webview refresh issues.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilText | String selector : the selector, here the text to be visible on screen. this is case insensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Waits for a view element, with a text property containing the selector, to become visible on the screen. If the command does not find the element before the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
(Example: waitUntilText,lorem ipsum or waitUntilText,lorem ipsum,60000
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilDesc | String selector : the selector, here the content-desc value. this is case insensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Waits for a view element, with content-desc property containing the selector, to become visible on the screen. If the command does not find the element before the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
(Example: waitUntilDesc,lorem ipsum or waitUntilDesc,lorem ipsum,60000
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilTextBeforeClick | String selector : the selector, here the text selector. boolean clickOnlyIfExists : If false (default value) waits 10 second max and an error can be thrown. If true, waits 2 seconds max and no error is thrown (optional) | Waits for a view element, with text property containing the selector, to become visible on the screen and then clicks on it. If clickOnlyIfExists=false (the default value if not set), the command waits a maximum of 10 seconds. If the element is not found an error is thrown. If clickOnlyIfExists=true, the command waits a maximum of 2 seconds and does not throw error if the element is not found.
(Example: waitUntilTextBeforeClick,lorem ipsum
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilDescBeforeClick | String selector : the selector, here the content-desc value. this is case insensitive. boolean clickOnlyIfExists : If false (default value), waits 10 seconds max and an error can be thrown. If true, waits 2 seconds max and no error is thrown. (optional) | Waits for a view element, with content-desc property containing the selector, to become visible on the screen and then clicks on it. If clickOnlyIfExists=false (the default value if not set), the command waits a maximum of 10 seconds. If the element is not found an error is thrown. If clickOnlyIfExists=true, the command waits a maximum of 2 seconds and does not throw error if the element is not found.
(Example: waitUntilDescBeforeClick,lorem ipsum
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilTextExact | String selector : the selector, here the exact text value. This is case sensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Waits for a view element, with a text property matching exactly the selector, to become visible on the screen. If the command does not find the element before the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
(Example: waitUntilTextExact,lorem ipsum or waitUntilTextExact,lorem ipsum,60000
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilTextExactBeforeClick | String selector : the selector, here the exact text value. this is case sensitive. boolean clickOnlyIfExists : If false (default value) waits 10 seconds max and an error can be thrown. If true, waits 2 seconds max and no error is thrown. (optional) | Waits for a view element, with a text property matching exactly the selector, to become visible on the screen and then clicks on it. If clickOnlyIfExists=false (the default value if not set), the command waits a maximum of 10 seconds. If the element is not found an error is thrown. If clickOnlyIfExists=true, the command waits a maximum of 2 seconds and does not throw error if the element is not found.
(Example: waitUntilTextExactBeforeClick,lorem ipsum or waitUntilTextExactBeforeClick,lorem ipsum,true
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilDescExact | String selector : the selector, here the exact content-desc value. This is case sensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Waits for a view element, with a content-desc property matching exactly the selector, to become visible on the screen. If the command does not find the element before the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
(Example: waitUntilDescExact,lorem ipsum or waitUntilDescExact,lorem ipsum,60000
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilDescExactBeforeClick | String selector : the selector, here the exact text value. this is case sensitive. boolean clickOnlyIfExists : If false (default value) waits 10 seconds max and an error can be thrown. If true, waits 2 seconds max and no error is thrown. (optional) | Waits for a view element, with a content-desc property matching exactly the selector, to become visible on the screen and then clicks on it. If clickOnlyIfExists=false (the default value if not set), the command waits a maximum of 10 seconds. If the element is not found an error is thrown. If clickOnlyIfExists=true, the command waits a maximum of 2 seconds and does not throw error if the element is not found.
(Example: waitUntilDescExactBeforeClick,lorem ipsum or waitUntilDescExactBeforeClick,lorem ipsum,true
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilId | String selector : the selector, here the id. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Waits for a view element, with an id property matching exactly the selector, to become visible on the screen. If the command does not find the element before the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
(Example: waitUntilId, or waitUntilId,,60000
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilIdBeforeClick | String selector : the selector, here the id. boolean clickOnlyIfExists : If false (default value) waits 10 seconds max and an error can be thrown. If true, waits 2 seconds max and no error is thrown. (optional) | Waits for a view element, with an id property matching exactly the selector, to become visible on the screen and then clicks on it. If clickOnlyIfExists=false (the default value if not set), the command waits a maximum of 10 seconds. If the element is not found an error is thrown. If clickOnlyIfExists=true, the command waits a maximum of 2 seconds and does not throw error if the element is not found.
(Example: waitUntilIdBeforeClick, or waitUntilIdBeforeClick,,true
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilGoneId | String selector : the selector, here the id. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Wait until there is no view element, with id property matching exactly the selector, visible on the screen. If the command finds an element after the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilGoneText | String selector : the selector, here the text to not be visible on screen. this is case insensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Wait until there is no view element, with text property containing selector, visible on the screen. If the command finds an element after the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilGoneTextExact | String selector : the selector, here the exact text to not be visible on the screen. this is case sensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Wait until there is no view element, with text property matching exactly the selector, visible on the screen. If the command finds an element after the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilGoneDesc | String selector : the selector, here the content-desc value. this is case insensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Wait until there is no view element, with content-desc property containing selector, visible on the screen. If the command finds an element after the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilGoneDescExact | String selector : the selector, here the exact content-desc value. This is case sensitive. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Wait until there is no view element, with content-desc property matching exactly the selector, visible on the screen. If the command finds an element after the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilGoneClass | String clazz : the class selector. long timeout : the timeout. This parameter is optional. If not set, the value used is 30000 (30 seconds). (optional) | Wait until there is no view element, with class property matching exactly the selector, visible on the screen. If the command finds an element after the specified timeout, an error is thrown.
Compatibility: universal |
waitUntilWindowUpdate | String packageName : the specified window package name (can be null). If null, a window update from any front-end window will end the wait. | Waits for a window content update event to occur.
Compatibility: universal |
Command | Parameters | Description |
pinchInById | String id : the id of the element to click on. int percent : the percentage of the object's diagonal length for the pinch gesture. int duration : the pinch duration in milliseconds (500 ms by default). If you use too large a duration, nothing may happen, especially if you use a small percentage. (optional) | Pinches in the element that contains the given id selector.
Compatibility: universal |
pinchOutById | String id : the id of the element to click on. int percent : the percentage of the object's diagonal length for the pinch gesture. int duration : the pinch duration in milliseconds (500 ms by default). If you use too large a duration, nothing may happen, especially if you use a small percentage (optional) | Pinches out the element that contains the given id selector.
Compatibility: universal |
pinchInByText | String selector : the selector, here the text of the element to pinch. This is case insensitive. int percent : the percentage of the object's diagonal length for the pinch gesture. int duration : the pinch duration in milliseconds (500 ms by default). If you use too large a duration, nothing may happen, especially if you use a small percentage (optional) | Pinches in the element that contains the given text selector.
Compatibility: universal |
pinchOutByText | String selector : the selector, here the text of the element to pinch. This is case insensitive. int percent : the percentage of the object's diagonal length for the pinch gesture. int duration : the pinch duration in milliseconds (500 ms by default). If you use too large a duration, nothing may happen, especially if you use a small percentage (optional) | Pinches out the element that contains the given text selector.
Compatibility: universal |